April 29, 2009

Water Dreams

A friend of mine Holly Allen sent me some beautiful maple leaves all the way from Iowa.
This is a mixed media piece acrylic and oils on 140lb water color paper.  Here is a close up of one of the leaves. This piece has a luminescent shine to it that was hard to capture in photos. I will try to take another picture that shows the one inch borders.

April 26, 2009

April Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month
This is a poem from one of my favorite poets Rainer Maria Rilke.
I will be adding some more of my art work and updating my blog today.
I hope that you enjoy this poem. Please share some of your favorites with me.

Falling Stars

Do you remember still the falling stars
that like swift horses through the heavens raced
and suddenly leaped across the hurdles
of our wishes--do you recall? And we
did make so many! For there were countless numbers
of stars: each time we looked above we were
astounded by the swiftness of their daring play,
while in our hearts we felt safe and secure
watching these brilliant bodies disintegrate,
knowing somehow we had survived their fall.

Translated by Albert Ernest Flemming

Rainer Maria Rilke